Anthony Agtarap Anthony is a father, husband, strength & conditioning coach, physical educator, and professional engineer (not-practicing).  He is also the founder of Engineered Bodies Strength & Conditioning and head coach of the Engineered Bodies Weightlifting Club and our Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) program.
He has 15+ years of coaching & teaching experience in Ki-Aikido (martial art), strength & conditioning, and physical education.  Anthony is committed to continued education and development and has learned from, and continues to collaborate with, the best teachers, coaches, and therapists from multiple disciplines from all over the world.  He brings this knowledge and experience to help challenge and support people of all ages and backgrounds to realize their potential and become the best version of themselves as they work towards their own goals.  He is passionate and committed to reconciliation and building a strong, inclusive, diverse, and ant-racist community. To facilitate this, he created an Inclusion & Diversity, continuing education process for our coaching staff to empower them with the knowledge and tools to ensure an inclusive and safe space for all our members. He also developed our Continuing Education Fund For Social Justice through Coquitlam Foundation.

Anthony is currently serving as an Executive Board Member with the BC Weightlifting Association (BCWA) and continues to strive for ViaSport accreditation to enable enhanced junior development initiatives, athlete, coaches, and officials funding, competition hosting processes, and initiatives to promote inclusivity and diversity within the sport. He's also currently on the board of directors for the BC Functional Fitness Sport Association (BCFFSA) to help legitimize the sport of Functional Fitness in the province by developing coaches and technical officials development pathways.

His certifications include:
  • Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS),
  • NCCP Weightlifting Competition Development -Certified
  • NCPP Anti-Racism in Coaching
  • NCCP Safe Sport Training
  • PlusPlyos Certified Plyometrics Coach
  • ATG Endorsed Level 2 Coach with KneesOverToesGuy
  • Functional Range Conditioning (FRCm),
  • Functional Range Assessment (FRA),
  • Kinstretch Instructor
  • Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), Level 3,
  • Functional Movement Systems (FMS), Level 2,
  • Agatsu Senior Kettlebell Instructor, Level 2
  • Agatsu Strength & Speed Specialist
  • Onnit Academy Foundations Trainer
  • CrossFit level 1 trained

Other movement, rehab, and S&C workshops and courses he’s attended:

  • ACL Rehab Course - Carmen Bott,
  • Ido Portal Method – Movement X,
  • Ido Portal Method – The Corset Course (2x),
  • Ido Portal Method – MoTION
  • Gold Medal Bodies workshop (2x)
  • Hand balance workshop with Yuri Marmerstein (2x)
  • Bodyweight Strength Training workshop with Simon Ata (aka Simonster)
  • Handstand workshop with Sascha Bachmann (Cirque Du Soleil)
  • Master the Handstand workshop with Kirsty Grosart (aka Garage Gym Girl)
  • Rethinking the Big Patterns – Dr. Pat Davidson
  • Complete Shoulder & Hip Blueprint workshop – Dean Somerset
  • Conjugate Gymnastics with Sean Lind
  • CrossFit Endurance with Brian MacKenzie
  • CrossFit Weightlifting with Mike Burgener
  • Mobility WOD – Kelly Starrett
  • Freestyle Connection Movement Seminar with Carl Paoli

Public Speaking Events:
  • Coquitlam Teacher’s Association (CTA), Professional Development Days – Developing Movement Quality-Based PE Curriculum
  • QDPE Conference at Douglas College, for physical education teachers and specialists – Developing Movement Quality-Based PE Curriculum
  • Access Sport, The Next Level Recruiting Summit for student athletes – The Importance of Strength & Conditioning Training
  • Better Business Bureau (BBB) Webinar Presenter – Developing Engaging Corporate Health & Wellness Programs
  • Various corporate lunch & learns – Incorporating mobility and movement into the work environment
  • SPSC5493 Motor Learning for youth at Douglas College
  • Young Entrepreneur Leadership Launchpad (YELL)
  • Youth Leadership classes at Pinetree Secondary
  • CanFit Pro Vancouver Conference – Developing Critical Thinking Skills for Trainers & Coaches
Engineered Bodies
Functional Fitness Kickstart
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